Skin Rejuvenation - Boise ID
In the hands of a highly trained, knowledgeable professional, skin resurfacing is a safe way to improve your skin’s appearance. Boise Image Enhancement Centre providers have over 30 years of experience in skin rejuvenation. Our staff has successfully treated over 30,000 patients utilizing the area’s largest and most innovative array of laser technologies. No other provider in the Treasure Valley has more expertise in aesthetic skincare procedures utilizing laser and light technology.
Skin Resurfacing & Rejuvenation
Sun, skin disorders, aging and even heredity can all contribute to skin irregularities on the face and elsewhere on the body. These include textural irregularities like wrinkles, acne scars and coarse texture, pigmentation changes like freckles and sunspots, or visible blood vessels. In addition, skin may lose tone, feel less firm, and certain areas of the body may develop cellulite conditions.
Newer technologies that utilize both non-ablative lasers and high-intensity lights allow for a greater level of comfort and precision in treating your skin, especially the delicate areas. Skin resurfacing and rejuvenation can reduce facial wrinkles, scars, blemishes and improve sagging skin. There is no longer a need to completely remove the top layer of your skin to improve it!
Non-ablative lasers stimulate collagen growth, which helps to tighten underlying skin, improves texture, and reduces the appearance of wrinkles and scars. The newest types of equipment have minimal to no downtime. Different treatment modalities are available to treat the different aspects of skin damage and the different parts of the body. Which would be best for you is easy to find out with a complimentary medical assessment from one of our providers.
Evens skin tone, color, texture, & gently exfoliates
Results show immediately after healing
Can treat scars, cystic acne, rosacea, & other skin ailments
Best results when combined with our proprietary skincare
What Others Are Saying

Explained every step and made me very comfortable with the procedure. They know their business and instill total trust in their patients.

Conditions That Can be Improved with Skin Resurfacing & Rejuvenation
We offer many different types of skin resurfacing procedures. What may work well for one person may not be appropriate for another person. We offer multiple procedures including:
- Static Wrinkles: These wrinkles are visible at all times and do not change in appearance with facial movements.
- Dynamic Wrinkles: These are expression lines that may appear as folds when the skin is not moving and deepen with facial movements or expressions.
- Vascular Conditions: Blood vessels visible on the surface of the skin, vascular lesions that appear as tiny blood-filled spots or even a constant flush of facial redness.
- Scars: As the result of acne or injury to the skin, scars may be rolling (a wavy appearance to the skin), pitted, discolored or have raised borders.
- Loss Of Skin Tone: Weakening of the supportive skin structures (collagen and elastin fibers) that result in a loss of skin firmness, sagging skin or thinning skin.
- Pigmentation: Freckles, sun spots or other darkened patches of skin result mainly from sun exposure.
We offer many different types of skin resurfacing procedures. What may work well for one person may not be appropriate for another person. We offer multiple procedures including:
- Static Wrinkles: These wrinkles are visible at all times and do not change in appearance with facial movements.
- Dynamic Wrinkles: These are expression lines that may appear as folds when the skin is not moving and deepen with facial movements or expressions.
- Vascular Conditions: Blood vessels visible on the surface of the skin, vascular lesions that appear as tiny blood-filled spots or even a constant flush of facial redness.
- Scars: As the result of acne or injury to the skin, scars may be rolling (a wavy appearance to the skin), pitted, discolored or have raised borders.
- Loss Of Skin Tone: Weakening of the supportive skin structures (collagen and elastin fibers) that result in a loss of skin firmness, sagging skin or thinning skin.
- Pigmentation: Freckles, sun spots or other darkened patches of skin result mainly from sun exposure.
Skin Resurfacing & Rejuvenation Benefits
- Improve age spots and blackheads
- Improve hyperpigmentation (patches of darkened skin)
- Exfoliate your skin, resulting in a refreshed appearance
- Reduce fine lines and wrinkles
- Reduce or eliminate enlarged pores
- Treat acne and the scars left by acne
- Improve blood and lymphatic circulation
- Lessen the appearance of stretch marks
- Improve age spots and blackheads
- Improve hyperpigmentation (patches of darkened skin)
- Exfoliate your skin, resulting in a refreshed appearance
- Reduce fine lines and wrinkles
- Reduce or eliminate enlarged pores
- Treat acne and the scars left by acne
- Improve blood and lymphatic circulation
- Lessen the appearance of stretch marks
Experience Counts!
In the hands of a highly trained, knowledgeable professional, skin resurfacing is a safe way to improve your skin’s appearance. In the hands of a poorly trained individual, lights and lasers can be ineffective or even dangerous. Boise Image Enhancement Centre providers have over 30 years of experience in skin rejuvenation. Our staff of medical providers has successfully treated over 30,000 patients utilizing the area’s largest and most innovative array of laser technologies. No other provider in the Treasure Valley has more expertise or has successfully completed more aesthetic skincare procedures utilizing laser and light technology.
Types of Skin Resurfacing & Rejuvenation Treatment Treatments
We offer many different types of skin resurfacing procedures. What may work well for one person may not be appropriate for another person. We offer multiple procedures including:
- Laser Resurfacing
- Ablative and Subablative Resurfacing
- Non-ablative Resurfacing
- Radiofrequency (RF) Resurfacing
- Microneedling
- EpiLift IPL (Can combine with radiofrequency)
- Triniti
- Ultherapy®
- Skinfinity® RF
We offer many different types of skin resurfacing procedures. What may work well for one person may not be appropriate for another person. We offer multiple procedures including:
- Laser Resurfacing
- Ablative and Subablative Resurfacing
- Non-ablative Resurfacing
- Radiofrequency (RF) Resurfacing
- Microneedling
- EpiLift IPL (Can combine with radiofrequency)
- Triniti
- Ultherapy®
- Skinfinity® RF
- Dot Matrix Radio Frequency
- Microdermabrasion
- Dermaplaning
- Dot Matrix Radio Frequency
- Photofacial
- Photofacial RF
- Fotofacial
- Fotofacial RF
- IPL (also with Radio Frequency)
- Continuously updated laser and IPL/BB/VBL technologies as they continue to evolve
See The Results
Skin Resurfacing Before & Afters

Skin Resurfacing on Lower Face

Skin Resurfacing on Lower Face

Skin Resurfacing on Lower Face

Skin Resurfacing on Lower Face

Laser Skin Resurfacing on Cheeks

Skin Resurfacing on Cheeks

Skin Resurfacing on Lips

Skin Resurfacing on Lips
Before & After photos have been color corrected and backgrounds removed for consistency.
Some photos black out the eyes to respect the privacy of our patients.
Skin Resurfacing FAQ
Can Skin Resurfacing reduce the appearance of acne scars?
Skin Resurfacing is one of the best treatments for “ice pick” acne scars and can significantly reduce the appearance of scarring and uneven skin from acne.
Does Skin Resurfacing remove fine lines and wrinkles?
Skin Resurfacing is excellent at softening existing fine lines and wrinkles on the face, neck, and chest. For high-movement areas such as the forehead or around the eyes, Wrinkle Relaxers are necessary to stop the creation of new wrinkles and prevent existing lines and wrinkles from worsening.
Can Skin Resurfacing reduce the appearance of festoons and dark circles under the eyes?
Skin Resurfacing can significantly reduce the appearance of dark festoon circles underneath the eyes.
There are many complex factors that create festoons, however the evidence shows that sun damage is the primary culprit in creating dark festoon lines. Certain types of Skin Resurfacing are designed to rejuvenate sun-damaged skin, which also improves the appearance of festoons.
Does Skin Resurfacing tighten the skin?
Certain types of Skin Resurfacing can tighten loose skin. At Boise Image Enhancement Centre, we offer many types of skin tightening, though our patients’ most-loved procedure for skin tightening is Ultherapy®.
Can Skin Resurfacing shrink large pores on the nose and face?
Skin Resurfacing can shrink noticeably large pores. It can also reduce redness around the nose and cheeks caused by shrinking small veins close to the surface of the skin.
Does Skin Resurfacing remove crows feet?
Yes, Skin Resurfacing can reduce the appearance of existing crows feet wrinkles around the eyes, but Wrinkle Relaxer treatments are required to stop existing crows feet wrinkles from getting deeper and prevent the creation of new wrinkles around the eyes.
Can Skin Resurfacing be used on the hands, neck, and chest?
Skin Resurfacing is incredibly effective at reversing sun damage and removing the signs of aging on the neck, chest, and hands.
Does Laser Skin Resurfacing reduce the appearance of stretch marks?
Skin Resurfacing can reduce the appearance of some stretch marks, though a complimentary medical assessment with one of our premier medical providers is the surest way to know what types of skin resurfacing are best for your unwanted stretch marks.
Can men receive Skin Resurfacing?
Skin Resurfacing is a great treatment for men, especially men who spend time outside for work or hobby. Men who have acne scarring also greatly benefit from Skin Resurfacing.
Does Skin Resurfacing treat sun damage?
Our EpiLift IPL Photofacial is specfically designed to reverse sun damage. Unfortunately, most sun damage is underneath the skin and is invisible to the naked eye, and many patients do not treat their sun damage until it is too late.
No matter the age, we recommend all of our patients receive a series of EpiLift IPL photofacials both in early spring and fall to reduce the damage from warmer weather in the sun.