Lip Fillers - Boise ID
Juvéderm®, Restylane®, Revanesse®
Lips have been a symbol of beauty for as long as anyone can remember. That’s why lip fillers are one of our most-requested treatments inside our aesthetic practice. No other provider in the Treasure Valley has more expertise or has successfully completed more lip injections than Boise Image Enhancement Centre. We love creating beautiful, sculpted lips that look natural–yet irresistible–at any age on any face.
Lip Fillers
Lip injections are one of the most requested treatments inside our practice. And for good reason too–a great pair of lips look attractive on anyone.
Most people hear the words “lip filler” and picture a certain celebrity. Often, that picture is not very appealing and can scare away people from even trying to make their lips appear more luscious.
At Boise Image Enhancement Centre, our goal is to make you look more like yourself, not like a celebrity. From lip fillers to Boise botox treatment, we use your very own Mathematical Equation of Beauty, unique to only you, to expertly place the perfect amount of lip filler that complements your appearance.
Your lip injection will be our secret, as our goal is to make you look so natural that nobody will ever know you had your lips done.
Popular Treatment
Looks Great on Anyone
Customized to your Mathematical Equation of Beauty
Lasts 6-12 months
What Others Are Saying

Boise Image's attention to detail is what makes my lips look model-worthy.

Lip Filler Procedure Info
Lip injections are short procedures, typically lasting 15-20 minutes.
The lip filler procedure starts by selecting the right gel fillers to inject the fleshy parts of the lip. At Boise Image Enhancement Centre, we only carry the highest-grade of FDA-approved lip fillers. These lip fillers all contain hyaluronic acid, which is a naturally-occurring molecule in the body that keeps skin hydrated.
After the appropriate gel filler is selected, one of our expert injectors will gently inject the filler into the lip and shape into a beautiful pout.
Your lips are just as unique as your fingerprints, so no two lip injections are exactly alike. Some patients may take more syringes than others, depending on their anatomy and beauty goals. At Boise Image, we always use the Mathematical Equation of Beauty to ensure that your filler treatments keep you looking natural and authentic to who you are.
After the treatment, some slight swelling in the lips will occur. Many of our patients love the look of their lips when swollen, and come back later to add in more filler so their lips look even fuller. In rare instances, slight bruising may occur, though all swelling and bruising usually fades within a week of treatment.
Typically, lip fillers last between 6-12 months, depending on the individual.
Experience Counts!
Boise Image Enhancement Centre providers have over three decades of experience of creating stunning pouts with lip fillers. To date, BIEC’s staff of medical providers have successfully treated over 20,000 patients utilizing lip fillers. No other provider in the Treasure Valley has more expertise or has successfully completed more lip injections than Boise Image Enhancement Centre.
See The Results
Lip Filler Before & Afters

Before & After photos have been color corrected and backgrounds removed for consistency.
Some photos black out the eyes to respect the privacy of our patients.
Lip Filler FAQ
How much does lip filler cost?
Your treatment cost all depends on your unique needs and goals.
No lips are created identical, and we would be happy discuss your specific needs, prices, and payment plan options at your complimentary beauty assessment.
What lip fillers does Boise Image use?
At Boise Image, we carry all major FDA-approved, non-permanent fillers to provide the right tools to create custom results for each of our patients.
For lip injections, we carry the Juvéderm®, Restylane®, and Revanesse® families of hyaluronic acid fillers.
Does Boise Image perform keyhole or Russian-style lip injections?
To value the safety of our patients, we do not inject keyhole or “Russian lips.” While both of these lip filler styles can look attractive on social media, what many people don’t see is the short-lasting effect and the high risk of complication with both of these lip filler looks.
If beautifully full lips are what you are after, our expert injectors can create a beauty plan for you that takes in mind your goals while remaining anatomically safe.
Can Boise Image inject filler into small lips?
Lip fillers can be injected on most any lips when done properly. If you have small lips, this may involve creating a longer plan to gently add more lip volume over several months or a year until you reach your desired goal.
Our lip flip is also a popular option for those who have smaller upper lips or a gummy smile.
Does Boise Image inject lip filler from inside the mouth?
To protect the safety of our patients, we never inject any treatment from inside of the mouth.
While some people believe injecting from inside of the lip may help with possible treatment bruising, the mouth is full of bacteria and other germs that can severely infect the lips if they are injected from the inside.
For this reason, our injectors never inject from inside of the lip.
Does Boise Image dissolve lip filler?
Due to the quality of our lip injections, we rarely dissolve lip filler injected within our office. However, we are accustomed to dissolving lip filler that has been injected improperly outside of Boise Image to reset the lips back to baseline or reshape the lips to a proper pout.