
Neck Lift Alternatives to Tighten and Smooth Aging Skin

If all you see when you look in the mirror is your “turkey neck” bands, double chin, or puffy jowls and you’re considering a neck lift, you may want to reconsider. Risks of neck lift surgery (lower rhytidectomy) range from the inevitable swelling and bruising to much more serious (though less common) concerns, including damage to facial nerves, numbness, infection, and even skin loss. There is also the potential for bleeding under the skin, blood clots, and thick scarring.

And recovery is no breeze after this surgery either, with downtime of up to three weeks. You should avoid work, as well as lifting heavy objects, for a minimum of seven days, and your neck needs to be elevated and still for at least ten days.

So, what can you do to treat skin laxity, excess fat, and banding of the neck that have you feeling your body has betrayed you? We highly recommend more gentle anti-aging treatments such as Ultherapy and NovaThreads, rejuvenating the neck and decelerating the aging process without surgery.

What Is Ultherapy?

A non-invasive ultrasound treatment, Ultherapy® uses sound energy to reach deeply into the foundational layers of the skin, stimulating the formation of fresh, new collagen. This tightens and lifts the skin under the chin and on the neck, producing a more youthful appearance without the risks associated with plastic surgery. Ultherapy can be used on your eyebrows, jawline, and even the décolletage as well! Best of all, there is no downtime afterward. You can immediately return to your normal routine, with no one the wiser.

What Is NovaThreads?

Another non-invasive method to treat common aging signs in the neck, NovaThreads® treats loose and sagging skin by stimulating collagen production. Using a small needle, threads are inserted into the neck to either create a scaffolding which supports tissues and holds them in place or to gently lift the skin depending on what type of treatment you desire. Like Ultherapy, there is no downtime afterward, and no one will ever know you just had the procedure done.

Contour Your Neck Without Going Under the Knife – Book Ultherapy or Novathreads Today!

For a safer, more affordable alternative to neck lift surgery with less downtime, book Ultherapy or NovaThreads at Boise Image Enhancement Centre today! All of our aesthetic services are performed by licensed medical professionals who are experienced in the most advanced skin care treatments. Call us at 208 375-1221 to schedule your appointment, or stop in to our new state-of-the-art office location at 9964 W Overland Road, Suite 100, just a couple blocks west of our previous location.

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